5 Reasons To Start Your Business In Your 20s

Steve May • February 10, 2017

As a business owner, I get asked all the time for advice on starting a business. The best advice I can give anyone is to start early. As early as possible in fact. Why you ask?


God will enable you to do great things, but with large doses of personal growth in between. Be patient, be ready, and work hard, but start right now!

Sometimes in life, timing is everything, and who has more time than a 20-year-old? It may not seem like that right now, but if you have time to party and carry on (or, erhm, play video games and post what you’re doing on social media), you have time to start a business. In fact, you can use those same skills to start your business. DanTDM, anyone?

That being said, I am a Christian, so I believe that each of us has gifts from both our heavenly and earthly fathers that make us who we are. If you have the ability to start a business because of your talent, your ideas or your passion, then you should definitely do it. God will enable you to do great things, but with large doses of personal growth in between. Be patient, be ready, and work hard, but start right now! And before you young entrepreneurs get discouraged, don’t forget that success doesn’t come easy or quick. With patience and prayer, it happens in time: in His time. I believe in praying for God’s timing. Don’t expect everything to be handed to you immediately. 

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.  Ecclesiastes 3:1


Start learning!!! Every day in business is a learning experience that can make you stronger, wiser, and more equipped for the next, and it’s a lot easier to learn new things and adapt when you’re young. As you learn, everyone around you benefits from it as long as you take the time to change with the knowledge that comes from it! Take advantage of every opportunity to learn something, whether it will immediately benefit your business or not.

It’s a lot easier to learn new things and adapt when you’re young.

With that in mind though, stay focused on your goals. Entrepreneurs by nature like to have adventures and be on the move. One thing often leads to another and another. Resist the temptation. Stick to the course. I’m not saying you can’t do other things, but if you stay the course and invest over time, you will see the growth that would be impossible if not for long term vision, which leads me to my next reason to start early.

Growth Potential

Start early and by the time you’re in your 30s, your business will already have gone through the growing pains of a startup, and you’ll likely be well on your way.

More time to grow! It’s very simple. The more time you invest in your business, the more growth you’ll have, and the more growth, the more fun!!!

Here’s the deal. You could spend your 20s doing the mainstream thing: finding a job that pays ok and saving for the day that you’ll have enough money to start your own business and make all your dreams come true. Biding your time, waiting for happily ever after. The reality is that if you don’t jump in and start, you probably never will. If you start your business later in life, you still have to get through all the lessons that you could have learned in your 20s. Start early and by the time you’re in your 30s, your business will already have gone through the growing pains of a startup, and you’ll likely be well on your way.

Lower Overhead

Your financial needs are the lowest they’ll probably ever be, which is very important as you may need to live on little to start.

Your needs are low right now. Even if living with dear old mom and dad isn’t an option for you, you probably don’t need much more than a shoebox apartment and a supply of Ramen noodles to thrive at this age. Your financial needs are the lowest they’ll probably ever be, which is very important as you may need to live on little to start.

Not only that, but you’re portable at this time in your life. You can live anywhere. There’s not much difference in whether the shoebox you live in is in Cincinnati, OH or Los Angeles, CA (though your cost of living may be higher in LA). My point is that you can start your business anywhere. If the type of business you want to start isn’t going to work where you are, then go where it will.   

Kids and Family

If you are able to start a business before having children, do it, because most of your time commitment will be in the beginning years of your business.

As I sit here watching my kids play, I’m glad I am not trying to start my business at this time of my life. If you are able to start a business before having children, do it because most of your time commitment will be in the beginning years of your business. You need your available time to work on your business.

If you do have a family, please remember that there are far more important things than business. Business can always grow, and you can replace anything in your business, but time with children and family is irreplaceable. Once lost, it’s just gone. Don’t waste a moment.  

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be! Let your future be guided by God and let your business be an extension of everything else God is doing in your life, not the other way around! I live with these principles. Live justly, love mercy, and walk humbly …in life, in business.  Micah 6:8

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